HCH’s Information

HCH’s Information

Hirakata City Hall

Hirakata City Hall (HCH) provides various public services to the residents in Hirakata.


On Useful English City Guidebook “We Love Hirakata”

We Love Hirakata

English city guidebook published by HCH helps you confortably live in Hirakata City. It is including useful information such as not only how to apply for public services but also how to enjoy Hirakata City.

You can obtain the guidebook at HCH or Hirakata Foundation for Culture and International Exchange. It is also available through the HCH’s official website (http://www.city.hirakata.osaka.jp/uploaded/life/111061_362856_misc.pdf.


Hirakata City Hall

1-20 Ogaitocho 2 Chome Hirakata City

(postal code) 573-8666

Phone: 072-841-1221

URL: http://www.city.hirakata.osaka.jp/

To read HCH’s articles in foreign languages, please click ‘Foreign language’ that is displayed on the top of the front page.


How to access to Hirakata City Hall

It is a 10-minute walk from Keihan Hirakata Shi Station.